Yousef M. Aljamal, Ghassan Olayan, Blake Alcott, Samir Abed-Rabbo: Which One Democratic State?

Yousef Alcott AbedRabo Colombes

Published by Mondoweiss, 2018/08/04 “The beginning is to develop something entirely missing from both Israeli and Palestinian realities today: the idea and practice of citizenship, not of ethnic or racial community, as the main vehicle of coexistence.”–Edward Said, 10 January 1999, “The One-State Solution,” The New York Times Magazine. Introduction We are supporters of One Democratic State (ODS), some of us …

Rima Najjar: Is Israel a secular state capable of absorbing Palestinians in a one-state solution?

Rima Najjar Yes, Israel is certainly capable of absorbing Palestinian refugees and exiles (those who wish to return, as is their right), but it is strongly opposed to restoring Palestinian rights, because that would mean turning Israel and all the Palestinian territory it controls into a secular and democratic state for all its citizens – i.e., it will no longer be a Jewish …

Malia Bouattia: International complicity means one-state is already a reality (2017/12/7)

Malia Bouattia For many, whether activists or analysts of the region, it might seem difficult to imagine how US foreign policy in the Middle East could be more favourable to Israel than it already is.Indeed, despite styling itself as the only acceptable broker for peace between Palestinians and Israelis, successive US administrations have remained committed to a close strategic, economic and …

Haidar Eid: One state for all: The only alternative to Israeli apartheid

Haidar Eid

Published on 2021-10-13 Justice and peace can only be achieved in the context of a single democratic state that would include, and benefit equally, all residents and repatriated refugees. The establishment of a sovereign, independent Palestinian state on 1967 borders has become unfeasible, largely thanks to Israel’s policy of settlement expansion and its apartheid wall. There are lessons to be …

Edward Said: The One-State Solution

Edward Said

By Edward Said Jan. 10, 1999 Given the collapse of the Netanyahu Government over the Wye peace agreement, it is time to question whether the entire process begun in Oslo in 1993 is the right instrument for bringing peace between Palestinians and Israelis. It is my view that the peace process has in fact put off the real reconciliation that …

Blake Alcott: One Democratic State: What’s Happening?

Blake Alcott

Published on Palestine Chronicle, 2018/04/05 One Democratic State (ODS) has the wind at its back. The last two years have seen a flurry of organizing for ODS, increasingly since December 2017 when the US/Israel axis rejected the central Palestinian demand for its capital, Jerusalem, thereby rendering the Palestinian ‘state’ of the two-state solution once and for all unacceptable.But ODS is not …

Ben White: The one-state solution is the only solution

Ben White

Palestinians are dehumanised in death, as they are in life.Those gunned down by Israeli snipers – who, army officials assure us, carefully record every shot – are not husbands, sons, brothers, friends, colleagues, journalists, students or medics. They are ‘terrorists’. Pawns. Cannon fodder.The dehumanisation of Palestinians is, of course, an intrinsic part of decades of colonialism, apartheid and occupation, but …

Awad Abdelfattah: It’s time for Palestinians in Israel to stand firm against the Bantustan plan of Oslo

Awad Abdelfattah

The following interview was conducted in Nazareth with Awad Abdel Fattah, secretary general of the National Democratic Assembly party. The NDA (Al-Tajamoa in Arabic, and Balad in Hebrew) is one of three parties in the Israeli parliament representing Israel’s Palestinian minority, which numbers 1.4 million and comprises nearly a fifth of the country’s population.The NDA is best known for the …

A seminar on the Nation State, Democratic State of citizenship in Palestine and the State of Confederate peoples

Naji El Khatib Published on 24/01/2018 A seminar at the University of Paris VIII (24/01/2018) on the issue of nation state in the Near East and the Middle East and a critical reading of the alternative proposals for the State of Citizenship in Palestine and the Confederate State in Syria and Turkey.Facebook Event: A summary text of the intervention of …

Naji El Khatib and Ofra Yeshua-Lyth: One Democratic State: An ongoing debate

Naji Ofra Mondewiss

Published on 06/2018 “A gem cannot be polished without friction” – Confucius As anger and despair grow exponentially among Palestinians and the world wavers between stupefaction, exasperation and outright complicity in the rapidly accelerating violent extremism of Israeli Zionists, the return to center stage of a simple concept, the ‘One Democratic State’ (ODS) in historic Palestine, is an encouraging development. …